Friday, July 19, 2013

So not going to apologize...

This post may really tick some people off.  Frankly, I don't care.  

As much as people around me may think they know me, they probably don't.  I do not air my dirty laundry, or even clean laundry, around for everyone to see.  I'm open with those that I trust, but I am very selective in what I share. it goes.

If one more person tries to classify me into a pigeon-hole of stereotypes, I think I may maul their face.  Just because someone doesn't tell you what is going on does not give you the right to fill in the blanks with your own imagination.  Just because you can't or won't do what I do DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT CAN'T BE DONE.  

This is my last summer of doctoral coursework.  LAST SUMMER.  As long as my portfolio defense goes smoothly, I can begin dissertation writing next summer.  And guess what.

I am still a full-time teacher with good, solid, positive evaluations.
I have still contributed to my school on various committees and events.
I am still adjuncting at our local CTC.
I am still married to the same man.
I still have three happy kids that are involved in church, friends, soccer, and Girl Scouts.
My home is still clean and inviting.
I still go to church.

So to everyone said that I wouldn't even make it this far, please choke on the words that you used to try to tear me down.  When you tell me I can't, I become more determined that I can.  I guess that's just the country girl in me.