Monday, December 10, 2012

My "place"

"Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich"

Heard that one-liner recently?  Seen it on a t-shirt?  Raising my hand to both over here...and I don't like it.  It gives the impression that women are sub-par and 'deserve' to be in the kitchen.  If it was all a joke, then maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't be so offended, but it's NOT just a joke--too many people think it, believe it, and act on it.

I still feel that I am judged by how I look, how my children look and act, and the appearance of my house--rather than my educational contributions, or my intellect, or my leadership ability.  This bothers me.  Why would someone look at me and tell me that they would not choose me for a such-and-such leadership position simply because I am a woman?

Even in's there.  Men, and even sometimes women, will ask the question or make the statement about where my children are, or who is watching them, or who feeds them dinner...I can't recall the last time someone asked my husband that.

Men and women are different--I get it.  But I am tired of feeling continually pushed into the 'kitchen'...

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