Saturday, December 8, 2012

Where are all the girls?

I had an exciting class today.  I am grad assisting my doc. chair and today was the presentations for the students' research.  All were wonderful and creative, but one really got me thinking.  Her paper was on the curriculum and why there is no real emphasis on women.  Specifically, she looked at the new common core standards and found only a few mentions of women.  Those particular sections were on things like, how did the Civil War affect women?  There was little emphasis on how women contribute.  She mentioned in her presentation that the curriculum should reflect the makeup of the population.  Where is our half of the curriculum?  The other disturbing part of her presentation was the survey of teachers reflected that a substantial amount of them didn't feel it was important to include women in the curriculum.  Holy crap!  The CCSS do  mention multiculturalism but doesn't specifically address gender studies.  I think this is a glaring example of how much work we still have to do.  With every class being made up of 50% girls, we really need to teach relevant and meaningful curricula that speaks to women and their contributions.  I think this is an insidious way to tell girls that they really don't contribute.  It also tells the boys the same thing.  That only things done and created by males are worthy of study and mention.  Geez!

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